Today I’ve been wondering if other artists simultaneously work on several bodies of work at one time. Paintings seem to swirl through my head, even when I awake in the middle of the night. I don’t really want to be planning my paintings but sometimes it happens.
The one body of work I still continue to work on is “What Lies Beneath” … which has a sense of movement to it but also an underlying thread of geometrics. Perhaps these geometric shapes are a fallback to my love of geometry while growing up. Seriously, I was one of two girls in the advanced math class in high school. I loved math. So, maybe that’s my draw to geometrics?
But with some of my paintings I am drawn to use either white or black. The other body of work I am putting together I am calling “Wicked Good”. Is this normal though to paint in a few given directions all at one time?
Wired, 19×24, Acrylics on bristol board, 2013, Sharon Pierce McCullough.